Treze stats and predictions
Treze last 30 games performance
- Wins:17
- Draws:8
- Loses:5
- Score:51:22
- Av. scored per game:1.7
- Av. conceded per game:0.73
- Over 2.5 percentage:40%
- Btts percentage:43.3%
Upcoming and last predictions
20:00TrezeWDWDWAO ItabaianaWDWWW1.493.746.321O2:1
20:00AO ItabaianaWDWWWTrezeWDWDW2.543.122.55X2O2:2
20:00TrezeWDWDWSanta Cruz RNWLWLD1.763.404.261XO2:1
00:00TrezeWDWDWUniclinic Atletico ClubeWLDLW1.235.3510.101O3:1
Treze latest results
22.02 FTNacional de PatosTreze14
16.02 FTTrezeSousa00
12.02 FTPicuienseTreze26
08.02 FTPombalTreze11
02.02 FTTrezeBotafogo PB21
30.01 FTTrezeEC de Patos30
25.01 FTTrezeSerra Branca10
19.01 FTCampinenseTreze20
12.01 FTTrezeAuto Esporte11
08.01 FTFerroviarioTreze20
Last 10 Stats
Treze last 10 games Overall
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Treze |
5 |
3 |
2 |
18:10 |
40% |
50% |
Treze last 10 games Home
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Treze |
6 |
3 |
1 |
15:5 |
50% |
40% |
Treze last 10 games Away
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Treze |
4 |
3 |
3 |
17:14 |
40% |
70% |
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