Football Manager helps Rooney and DC United in their pursuit of new players

DC United utilizes the network of the creators of the computer game Football Manager in their search for new players. DC United coach Wayne Rooney hopes to bring new rising talents to the MLS club through the "digital pathways."

Football Manager helps Rooney and DC United in their pursuit of new players Embed from Getty Images

Rooney, who welcomed fifteen new additions (including Christian Benteke and Mateusz Klich) to Washington this season, reveals in an interview with The Times that DC United has struck a deal with the creators of Football Manager.

"We provide them with space to advertise with us, and in return, we gain access to their scouts, around eleven or twelve of them. They are spread all over the world and help compile the game with their knowledge. I know that José Mourinho also sought similar assistance," Rooney said.

So far, DC United's Football Manager plan has yielded few results. The Washington DC-based club currently sits in ninth place in the Eastern Conference. However, the situation is more promising for Rooney than for his former teammate David Beckham. "His" Inter Miami, where Lionel Messi was unveiled on Sunday night, is at the bottom of the table in the eastern coast competition in the United States.

Updated: 10:29, 17 Jul 2023

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