Newtown Afc stats and predictions
Newtown Afc last 30 games performance
- Wins:6
- Draws:9
- Loses:15
- Score:33:56
- Av. scored per game:1.1
- Av. conceded per game:1.87
- Over 2.5 percentage:63.3%
- Btts percentage:63.3%
Upcoming and last predictions
19:45Newtown AFCLDDWDGAP Connah S Quay FCWWWWW3.623.401.95XO2:2
19:45Briton FerryWDLLWNewtown AFCLDDWD2.443.642.47X22O2:2
19:45Newtown AFCLDDWDFlint Town UnitedWLDWW2.253.752.50XO2:2
12:15Aberystwyth TownLLLLLNewtown AFCLDDWD2.883.702.051XO2:2
14:30Newtown AFCLDDWDBarry TownLWWLD2.453.402.45XO2:2
14:30GAP Connah S Quay FCWWWWWNewtown AFCLDDWD1.594.004.931O3:1
19:45Newtown AFCLDDWDBriton FerryWDLLW1.713.944.111O3:1
19:45Newtown AFCLDDWDPenybontWDWLL5.004.001.552O1:2
14:30The New SaintsWWWWWNewtown AFCLDDWD1.108.5015.001O3:1
14:30Flint Town UnitedWLDWWNewtown AFCLDDWD2.553.602.25X2O2:2
Newtown Afc latest results
21.03 FTNewtown AFCGAP Connah S Quay FC23
11.03 FTBriton FerryNewtown AFC11
07.03 FTNewtown AFCFlint Town United22
22.02 FTAberystwyth TownNewtown AFC01
08.02 FTNewtown AFCBarry Town11
01.02 FTGAP Connah S Quay FCNewtown AFC10
24.01 FTNewtown AFCBriton Ferry22
14.01 FTNewtown AFCPenybont12
04.01 FTThe New SaintsNewtown AFC21
01.01 FTFlint Town UnitedNewtown AFC20
Last 10 Stats
Newtown Afc last 10 games Overall
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Newtown Afc |
1 |
4 |
5 |
11:16 |
50% |
70% |
Newtown Afc last 10 games Home
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Newtown Afc |
0 |
4 |
6 |
12:23 |
70% |
70% |
Newtown Afc last 10 games Away
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Newtown Afc |
2 |
2 |
6 |
8:14 |
50% |
60% |
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