Netherlands Cup
Netherlands Cup facts (last 50 games)
- Home team wins in average 56% of the games played at home.
- Number of draws on Netherlands Cup. 4% of games finish as draw.
- Number of goals in average on Netherlands Cup. It's 3.80 goals per game.
- Number of games with three or more goals. Games over 2.5 it's 74% of all games.
Past Predictions
confidence9 on Feyenoord (1.25)
29.0219:00FeyenoordWLLDWFC GroningenWDWLL1.148.5017.001O3:0
confidence10 on Feyenoord (1.14)
27.0219:00Cambuur LeeuwardenLWWWDNECWLDLD4.204.201.752O1:3
confidence5 on NEC (1.75)
08.0219:00FC GroningenWDWLLFortuna SittardLWWLL2.553.502.63XO2:2
confidence2 on Draw (3.50)
confidence8 on Feyenoord (1.40)
07.0217:45Cambuur LeeuwardenLWWWDVitesseLWDWL2.383.303.00XO2:2
confidence2 on Draw (3.30)
06.0219:00NECWLDLDADO Den HaagWLWWW1.624.205.001O3:1
confidence6 on NEC (1.62)
25.0119:00USV HerculesCambuur LeeuwardenLWWWD7.004.501.442O1:3
confidence7 on Cambuur Leeuwarden (1.44)
confidence2 on Draw (3.75)
18.0120:00USV HerculesCambuur LeeuwardenLWWWD5.754.501.532O1:3
confidence6 on Cambuur Leeuwarden (1.53)
confidence8 on Vitesse (1.36)
17.0120:00PSVWDWLLFC TwenteLWDWL1.455.255.751O3:1
confidence7 on PSV (1.45)
17.0119:00Almere City FCDLLLDFortuna SittardLWWLL2.383.602.90X2O2:2
confidence3 on Draw (3.60)
17.0117:45NECWLDLDGo Ahead EaglesWWLWL2.204.002.90XO2:2
confidence2 on Draw (4.00)
16.0120:00AZDLWLDQuick BoysWWLWW1.148.0019.001O3:0
confidence10 on AZ (1.14)
16.0119:00ExcelsiorWWLDWFC GroningenWDWLL2.453.602.75XO2:2
confidence2 on Draw (3.60)
16.0117:45Excelsior MaassluisLLDLLADO Den HaagWLWWW7.004.751.452O1:3
confidence7 on ADO Den Haag (1.45)
21.1220:00PSVWDWLLFC TwenteLWDWL1.335.009.501O3:1
confidence8 on PSV (1.33)
confidence2 on Draw (3.75)
21.1219:00Go Ahead EaglesWWLWLDe TreffersWWLDW1.257.0010.001O3:0
confidence9 on Go Ahead Eagles (1.25)
Latest results
27.02 FTHeraclesAZ Alkmaar22
26.02 FTPSV EindhovenGO Ahead Eagles12
06.02 FTAZ AlkmaarQuick Boys31
05.02 FTGO Ahead EaglesNoordwijk31
05.02 FTPSV EindhovenFeyenoord20
04.02 FTHeraclesUtrecht20
16.01 FTQuick BoysHeerenveen32
16.01 FTDe GraafschapHeracles02
15.01 FTRijnsburgse BoysFeyenoord14
15.01 FTWaalwijkUtrecht12
15.01 FTGO Ahead EaglesTwente31
14.01 FTPSV EindhovenExcelsior54
14.01 FTNoordwijkBarendrecht10
14.01 FTAZ AlkmaarAjax20
19.12 FTAjaxTelstar20
19.12 FTRijnsburgse BoysFC Volendam20
19.12 FTDe GraafschapSparta Nijkerk40
19.12 FTEemdijkBarendrecht16
19.12 FTNoordwijkWillem II21
18.12 FTAZ AlkmaarGroningen31
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