Libertad Asuncion stats and predictions
Libertad Asuncion last 30 games performance
- Wins:17
- Draws:5
- Loses:8
- Score:47:28
- Av. scored per game:1.57
- Av. conceded per game:0.93
- Over 2.5 percentage:46.7%
- Btts percentage:43.3%
Upcoming and last predictions
21:15General CaballeroLWLDDLibertad AsuncionWWDWW4.103.251.83X2O1:2
22:30Libertad AsuncionWWDWWOlimpiaLLWDW2.332.783.54X2O2:2
23:30Sportivo TrinidenseDDDDDLibertad AsuncionWWDWW3.943.501.89X2O1:2
23:30Libertad AsuncionWWDWWSportivo LuquenoLWWWL1.603.805.751O2:1
23:30Atlético TembetaryDLLLDLibertad AsuncionWWDWW4.683.581.73X2O1:2
23:30Libertad AsuncionWWDWWSportivo AmelianoLWLDW1.703.405.001O2:1
23:30Club GuaraniWDLWWLibertad AsuncionWWDWW2.753.202.38X2O2:2
23:30Nacional AsuncionWDLWLLibertad AsuncionWWDWW2.673.102.69X2O2:2
23:45Cerro PortenoDWWWWLibertad AsuncionWWDWW2.033.303.65XO2:2
Libertad Asuncion latest results
22.03 FTGeneral CaballeroLibertad Asuncion05
15.03 FTLibertad AsuncionOlimpia21
08.03 FTSportivo TrinidenseLibertad Asuncion11
28.02 FTLibertad AsuncionSportivo Luqueno30
22.02 FTAtlético TembetaryLibertad Asuncion12
16.02 FTLibertad AsuncionSportivo Ameliano20
09.02 FTClub GuaraniLibertad Asuncion01
02.02 FTLibertad AsuncionDeportivo Recoleta52
29.01 FTNacional AsuncionLibertad Asuncion03
26.01 FTCerro PortenoLibertad Asuncion22
Last 10 Stats
Libertad Asuncion last 10 games Overall
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Libertad Asuncion |
8 |
2 |
0 |
26:7 |
70% |
50% |
Libertad Asuncion last 10 games Home
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Libertad Asuncion |
8 |
1 |
1 |
20:6 |
50% |
40% |
Libertad Asuncion last 10 games Away
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Libertad Asuncion |
5 |
3 |
2 |
18:11 |
60% |
50% |
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