Deportivo Riestra stats and predictions
Deportivo Riestra last 30 games performance
- Wins:8
- Draws:18
- Loses:4
- Score:31:22
- Av. scored per game:1.03
- Av. conceded per game:0.73
- Over 2.5 percentage:30%
- Btts percentage:46.7%
Upcoming and last predictions
01:15Central Cordoba SdELDLWDDeportivo RiestraDDDDL1.853.404.501U1:0
20:00Deportivo RiestraDDDDLCA Talleres de CórdobaDDLDD4.002.802.20XU0:0
20:00SarmientoDDLLLDeportivo RiestraDDDDL2.802.753.00XU1:1
20:00Deportivo RiestraDDDDLRosario CentralDLWWD3.302.902.40XU0:0
20:00Deportivo RiestraDDDDLDefensa y JusticiaWWLLD2.703.202.70X2U1:1
00:00Atlético TucumánLLLDWDeportivo RiestraDDDDL1.703.306.251U1:0
20:00Deportivo RiestraDDDDLSan Martin de San JuanLWLLL2.253.003.70XU0:0
Deportivo Riestra latest results
10.03 FTGimnasia L.P.Deportivo Riestra11
05.03 FTDeportivo RiestraSan Telmo22
01.03 FTCentral Cordoba de SantiagoDeportivo Riestra00
21.02 FTDeportivo RiestraTalleres Cordoba00
17.02 FTSarmiento JuninDeportivo Riestra21
12.02 FTDeportivo RiestraRosario Central00
09.02 FTDeportivo RiestraDefensa Y Justicia11
05.02 FTAtletico TucumanDeportivo Riestra03
28.01 FTDeportivo RiestraSan Martin S.J.00
24.01 FTLanusDeportivo Riestra02
Last 10 Stats
Deportivo Riestra last 10 games Overall
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Deportivo Riestra |
2 |
7 |
1 |
10:6 |
30% |
40% |
Deportivo Riestra last 10 games Home
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Deportivo Riestra |
1 |
9 |
0 |
7:5 |
10% |
40% |
Deportivo Riestra last 10 games Away
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Deportivo Riestra |
2 |
6 |
2 |
10:7 |
30% |
50% |
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