Deportivo Ayense stats and predictions
Deportivo Ayense last 30 games performance
- Wins:14
- Draws:6
- Loses:10
- Score:55:41
- Av. scored per game:1.83
- Av. conceded per game:1.37
- Over 2.5 percentage:60%
- Btts percentage:60%
Upcoming and last predictions
01:00Deportivo AyenseWLDDLHuracanes IzcalliLLLDL1.364.606.841O3:1
00:00Deportivo AyenseWLDDLPachuca PremierWDDWL2.233.182.98XO2:2
01:00FC SantiagoDWLWWDeportivo AyenseWLDDL1.443.607.001O3:1
00:00Deportivo AyenseWLDDLCordobésDDWWL3.833.361.852O1:2
17:00Caja Oblatos CFDDLLLLDeportivo AyenseWLDDL4.963.741.592O1:2
01:00Deportivo AyenseWLDDLCDMDWLDL2.153.602.70XO2:2
23:00Real ZamoraLDLLLDeportivo AyenseWLDDL2.703.752.101XO2:2
01:00Deportivo AyenseWLDDLCaja Oblatos CFDDLLLL1.205.9610.601O3:1
23:00Poza RicaLDLLLDeportivo AyenseWLDDL4.784.201.542O1:3
00:00Deportivo AyenseWLDDLHuracanes IzcalliLLLDL1.245.509.201O3:1
Deportivo Ayense latest results
01.03 FTCalor de San PedroDeportivo Ayense02
27.02 FTDeportivo AyenseHuracanes Izcalli52
23.02 FTDeportivo AyensePachuca Premier22
15.02 FTCDMDeportivo Ayense11
09.02 FTDeportivo AyenseCiervos21
31.01 FTPoza RicaDeportivo Ayense11
26.01 FTDeportivo AyenseReal Zamora12
18.01 FTFC SantiagoDeportivo Ayense32
01.12 FTDeportivo AyenseCordobés12
23.11 FTArtesanos MetepecDeportivo Ayense40
Last 10 Stats
Deportivo Ayense last 10 games Overall
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Deportivo Ayense |
3 |
3 |
4 |
17:18 |
70% |
80% |
Deportivo Ayense last 10 games Home
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Deportivo Ayense |
4 |
3 |
3 |
19:13 |
70% |
80% |
Deportivo Ayense last 10 games Away
Team | W | D | L | GOALS | O2.5 | BTTS |
Deportivo Ayense |
3 |
3 |
4 |
11:17 |
50% |
60% |
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