Cameroon Elite One
Cameroon Elite One facts (last 50 games)
- Home team wins in average 52% of the games played at home.
- Number of draws on Cameroon Elite One. 18% of games finish as draw.
- Number of goals in average on Cameroon Elite One. It's 2.06 goals per game.
- Number of games with three or more goals. Games over 2.5 it's 30% of all games.
Upcoming Predictions
Past Predictions
confidence3 on Draw (3.00)
09.0314:30Stade RenardLDWWWYoung Sport AcademyLLDLL1.593.256.111O2:1
confidence6 on Stade Renard (1.59)
09.0314:30Victoria UnitedWDWLLAigle Royal de MoungoLDWLW1.933.203.68XO2:2
confidence2 on Draw (3.20)
09.0314:30BamboutosDLLWLLes AstresDWWWD3.163.002.22X2O2:2
confidence3 on Draw (3.00)
09.0314:30Dynamo de DoualaDLLLLFortuna MfouDLWLL2.552.902.62XO2:2
confidence3 on Draw (2.90)
09.0314:30GazelleWWLWLFauve Azur EliteLWLWL1.823.254.081O2:1
confidence4 on Gazelle (1.82)
09.0314:00CanonWWLLLUnion DoualaLWLLL1.823.104.301O2:1
confidence4 on Canon (1.82)
confidence5 on Cotonsport (1.69)
05.0314:30CanonWWLLLYoung Sport AcademyLLDLL1.703.244.941O2:1
confidence5 on Canon (1.70)
02.0314:30Victoria UnitedWDWLLStade RenardLDWWW2.703.052.43XO2:2
confidence2 on Draw (3.05)
02.0314:30Les AstresDWWWDCanonWWLLL2.283.082.99X2O2:2
confidence3 on Draw (3.08)
confidence5 on Colombe (1.78)
02.0314:30Fortuna MfouDLWLLFauve Azur EliteLWLWL2.622.902.61XO2:2
confidence3 on Draw (2.90)
02.0314:00Aigle Royal de MoungoLDWLWYoung Sport AcademyLLDLL1.623.445.231O2:1
confidence6 on Aigle Royal de Moungo (1.62)
01.0314:30Union DoualaLWLLLBamboutosDLLWL2.772.882.49XO2:2
confidence3 on Draw (2.88)
19.0215:00Dynamo de DoualaDLLLLCotonsportLDWWL3.733.221.922O1:2
confidence4 on Cotonsport (1.92)
confidence2 on Draw (3.12)
19.0213:00Union DoualaLWLLLVictoria UnitedWDWLL2.482.972.70XO2:2
confidence3 on Draw (2.97)
16.0215:30Young Sport AcademyLLDLLCotonsportLDWWL4.883.281.702O1:2
confidence5 on Cotonsport (1.70)
16.0214:30Stade RenardLDWWWPWDWDLLD2.103.003.45XO2:2
confidence3 on Draw (3.00)
Overall Standings
Team | G | W | D | L | G | P |
1 Colombe |
15 |
10 |
4 |
1 |
20:8 |
34 |
2 Gazelle |
15 |
9 |
3 |
3 |
30:14 |
30 |
3 Cotonsport |
15 |
7 |
6 |
2 |
21:13 |
27 |
4 Les Astres |
15 |
8 |
2 |
5 |
22:15 |
26 |
5 Stade Renard |
15 |
7 |
4 |
4 |
17:13 |
25 |
6 Panthère |
15 |
7 |
3 |
5 |
16:13 |
24 |
7 Canon |
15 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
16:14 |
23 |
8 Fauve Azur Elite |
14 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
14:13 |
22 |
9 Victoria United |
15 |
6 |
3 |
6 |
19:21 |
21 |
10 Bamboutos |
15 |
4 |
4 |
7 |
9:14 |
16 |
11 PWD |
14 |
3 |
6 |
5 |
11:16 |
15 |
12 Aigle Royal de Moungo |
15 |
3 |
5 |
7 |
10:13 |
14 |
13 Fortuna Mfou |
15 |
4 |
2 |
9 |
13:20 |
14 |
14 Union Douala |
15 |
4 |
2 |
9 |
13:21 |
14 |
15 Dynamo de Douala |
15 |
3 |
5 |
7 |
9:14 |
14 |
16 Young Sport Academy |
15 |
1 |
4 |
10 |
9:27 |
7 |
CAF Champions League
Latest results
09.03 FTGazelleFauve Azur Elite20
09.03 FTColombePanthère30
09.03 FTCotonsportPWD02
09.03 FTDynamo de DoualaFortuna Mfou00
09.03 FTBamboutosLes Astres00
09.03 FTVictoria UnitedAigle Royal de Moungo10
09.03 FTStade RenardYoung Sport Academy21
09.03 FTCanonUnion Douala10
05.03 FTCanonYoung Sport Academy20
02.03 FTFortuna MfouFauve Azur Elite01
02.03 FTPWDColombe00
02.03 FTLes AstresCanon20
02.03 FTVictoria UnitedStade Renard11
02.03 FTAigle Royal de MoungoYoung Sport Academy00
01.03 FTUnion DoualaBamboutos10
23.02 FTDynamo de DoualaGazelle23
23.02 FTPanthèreCotonsport00
23.02 FTPWDFortuna Mfou12
23.02 FTColombeFauve Azur Elite32
23.02 FTBamboutosStade Renard12
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